It has been determined that the slide at the playground is no longer safe for use.

The slide has been closed off for use until a certified company can be hired to remove it completely.

The Summer Village is currently looking at options to replace the slide itself or possibly to fund an upgrade to the entire playground.

More information will be provided and an opportunity for and public input will be made available.

Please ensure your children know not to use the slide.

Have You Seen the T-Shirt Display in the Community Services Building?


to Deputy Mayor Warren Wilson for spearheading this amazing community project.

Warren would like to express a special thank you to Fred and Karen Smith and Kristel Wilson for helping him bring his project to life.

We would also like to acknowledge and thank the following for donating t-shirts to the project:

  • Pete and Judy Ireland
  • Bruce Macdonald and Connie Beaton
  • Chris and Bill Boyd
  • Karen and Fred Smith
  • The Summer Village of Ghost Lake

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